Wells Cathedral

As a Cathedral we are committed to becoming carbon neutral and environmentally friendly.

As Christians we believe that we have been given the responsibility of caring for this earth, of protecting the poor and vulnerable and or working for justice. Faced with a problem as huge as climate change it is tempting to believe that there is nothing we can do, but our faith teaches us to have a dynamic active hope.  If each of us makes some simple changes it will make a difference. So here are a few ways in which we can all help. It is not an exhaustive list, and anyone who wishes to become more involved can join organisations or lobby businesses and government, but we hope that you will find these simple suggestions a useful place to start: https://www.wellscathedral.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/60-steps-towards-being-green-2023.pdf and here is a link for more information about how we work towards becoming an eco church: Becoming an Eco Church - Wells Cathedral .


Wells Bus Users Group


Wells Cathedral School