In the autumn the Scout section, young people aged between 10 and 14 years, spent an afternoon helping to maintain the Strawberry line near Wells. The Scouts made a useful contribution towards upkeep of the cycle path project by moving stones and building culverts.

Squirrel scouts are children aged between 4-6 years old. They had fun sawing sticks and finding things to fill their bug hotels. There was a lot of discussion about which insects might visit their bug hotels! They took their bug hotels home and sent us a photo.

5th/7th Wells Scout Group

Scouts and Beavers believe in putting nature first.

We want to protect the environment that we enjoy while camping, hiking, playing, and learning in the great outdoors. In a world facing a climate crisis and alarming rates of wildlife and nature loss, Scouts are leaders in sustainability and climate action, committed to protecting, preserving and restoring our planet. We're all about creating a better, greener world and you're invited!


Wells & District Wildlife Group


Westbury Tree Group